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Price statistics for EU

  • Izberite državo & pridelek v stolpcu desno.
  • Klik na navigacijske gumbe pod tabelarnimi podatki.
  • Vir podatkov:Eurostat
  • Besedilo je lahko v en,fr,de, glede na generalne jezikovne nastavitve, oz če je izbran kak drug jezik je text v 'en' jeziku.
  • Slika grafa se lahko uporabi za katerikoli namen, pri pogoju, da se je ne spreminja.
Data: Eurostat
Selling prices of barley (SI)15.9410.4610.84
Selling prices of soft wheat
Selling prices of barley
Selling prices of oats
Selling prices of maize
Selling prices of main crop potatoe...
Selling prices of sugar beet (unit ...
Selling prices of calves
Selling prices of pigs (light)
Selling prices of piglets
Selling prices of chickens (live 1s...
Selling prices of sheep
Selling prices of raw cow's milk
Selling prices of fresh eggs
Austria (AT)
Belgium (BE)
Bulgaria (BG)
Switzerland (CH)
Cyprus (CY)
Czech republic (CZ)
Germany (DE)
Denmark (DK)
Estonia (EE)
Spain (ES)
Finland (FI)
France (FR)
Greece (GR)
Croatia (HR)
Hungary (HU)
Ireland (IE)
Iceland (IS)
Italy (IT)
Lithuania (LT)
Luxembourg (LU)
Latvia (LV)
Montenegro (ME)
Macedonia, the former yugoslav repu...
Malta (MT)
Netherlands (NL)
Norway (NO)
Poland (PL)
Portugal (PT)
Romania (RO)
Sweden (SE)
Slovenia (SI)
Slovakia (SK)
Turkey (TR)