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Pteridium aquilinum

Pteridium aquilinum, Orlova praprot
Pteridium aquilinum, Orlova praprot
Pteridium aquilinum, Orlova praprot
Pteridium aquilinum, Orlova praprot
Pteridium aquilinum, Orlova praprot
Pteridium aquilinum, Orlova praprot
Komentarji Samo za taxonomsko enoto: Pteridium aquilinum:
8949 en 26.01.2021   11:10:46   miran       
Although young fiddleheads are considered edible for humans, studies indicate the presence of carcenogenic compounds in this plant, with consumption of the fiddleheads by humans possibly increasing the risk of cancerous tumors developing in stomach or throat. ( src)

BPV (Bovine papillomavirus)-4 causes squamous cell carcinomas of the alimentary tract, and BPV-1/2 causes carcinomas and haemangioendotheliomas of the urinary bladder, in both cases in animals that have fed on bracken ( Pteridium aquilinum).( src)
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