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Ta termin je tudi v:
 Nearktika = Severna Amerika - Kanada + USA (Severno od Mehike)
Taxa: Hypocreales incertae sedis Trichothecium Cephalothecium Sphaeria Hypolyssus Hyphelia Aecidium Trichothecium roseum
l2 term description link
711746 113386 Czech 1 Růžová hniloba
164336 113386 English 1 Fruit

763885 113386 English 1 Fruit rot of tomato
164338 113386 French 2 Moisissure rose de la tomate

164327 113386 French 2 Moisissure rose du concombre

164331 113386 French 2 Moisissure rose du poirier

164334 113386 French 2 Moisissure rose du pommier

164339 113386 French 2 Pink rot du poirier

164332 113386 French 2 Pourriture amere des cucurbitacees

164335 113386 French 2 Pourriture amere du poirier

164341 113386 French 2 Pourriture amere du pommier

164329 113386 German 1 Bitterfaeule

845550 113386 Latin Aecidium roseum

valid (13-10-2022)

807621 113386 Latin Cephalothecium roseum

syn. ,Trichothecium roseum=valid, (13-10-2022)

807622 113386 Latin Cephalothecium roseum var. roseum

valid (09-10-2022)

2667766 113386 Latin Dicaeoma roseum

syn. ,Aecidium roseum=valid, (13-10-2022)

807623 113386 Latin Hyphelia rosea

syn. ,Trichothecium roseum=valid, (13-10-2022)

807624 113386 Latin Hyphoderma roseum

syn. ,Sphaeria rosea=valid, (13-10-2022)

807625 113386 Latin Hypolyssus roseus

syn. ,Sphaeria rosea=valid, (13-10-2022)

807626 113386 Latin Hypomyces roseus

syn. ,Sphaeria rosea=valid, (13-10-2022)

807627 113386 Latin Puccinia rosea

syn. ,Trichothecium roseum=valid, (09-10-2022)

807628 113386 Latin Sphaeria rosea

valid (13-10-2022)

807629 113386 Latin Trichoderma roseum

syn. ,Trichothecium roseum=valid, (13-10-2022)

159728 113386 Latin Trichothecium roseum

valid (13-10-2022)

807630 113386 Latin Trichothecium roseum var. granulosum

syn. ,Trichothecium roseum=valid, (13-10-2022)

807631 113386 Latin Trichothecium roseum var. roseum

valid (09-10-2022)

710963 113386 Slovak 1 Trichotécium ružové
164340 113386 Slovene 2 Grenka gniloba plodov

164328 113386 Slovene 2 Rožnata gniloba jabolk

164325 113386 Spanish 2 Podredumbre amarga (manzano peral)

164330 113386 Spanish 2 Podredumbre amarga de las cucurbitaceas

164333 113386 Spanish 2 Podredumbre rosada (manzano peral)

164337 113386 Spanish 2 Podredumbre rosada del pepino

164326 113386 Spanish 2 Podredumbre rosada del tomate


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