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  •  Type forinstance 'daisy' into box with that icon . You will see what is all about.
  •  "Super term" means "Asteraceae" in case of daisy ..
  •  Clicking there will take you to photo galery, with corensponding species.
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This tremin is allso in:
 Alps flora
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 Slovenia - Ljubljana marsh
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 Slovenia-kamnik-savinja alps - above forest line
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 Göteborgs botaniska trädgård
Taxa: Dentaria
l2 term description link
22002 3920 Croatian Devetolisna reĺľuha
40531 3920 Croatian 4 Devetolisna režuha
40532 3920 Croatian 1 Zubica devetolistna
667265 3920 Czech 1 Brabor

623122 3920 Czech 1 Kyčelnice devítilistá

667266 3920 Czech 1 Řeřišnice devítilistá
667264 3920 Czech 1 Zubačka deväťlistá

2270941 3920 English 1 Drooping bitter cress
948875 3920 German Neunblattchen zahnwurz
528789 3920 German 4 Neunblättrige zahnwurz
2333549 3920 German 1 Quirl zahnwurz
2336154 3920 German 1 Quirlblättrige zahnwurz
2518137 3920 German 1 Wei&e zahnwurz
2336155 3920 German 1 Weiße zahnwurz
7046 3920 Latin Cardamine enneaphyllos

19157 3920 Latin Dentaria enneaphyllos

691527 3920 Polish 1 Żywiec dziewięciolistny
713086 3920 Slovak 1 Zubačka deväťlistá
240924 3920 Slovene 5 Deveterolistna konopnica

889987 3920 Slovene 2 Deveterolistna mlaja

7045 3920 Slovene 1 Devetorolistna konopnica
240375 3920 Slovene Mlaja


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