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  •  "Super term" means "Asteraceae" in case of daisy ..
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This tremin is allso in:
 Forest - leaf/needle/bud miners/defoliators
 Nearctic = North America - Canada + USA (North of Mexico)
Taxa: Orneodes Helena
l2 term description link
154720 95271 Danish 2 Lonicerafjermol

740293 95271 Dutch 1 Waaiermot
255739 95271 English 1 Many plumed moth
2267401 95271 English Twenty plume moth
740294 95271 Finnish 1 Tarhaviuhkanen
607196 95271 French 1 Ornéode du chèvrefeuille
2532094 95271 German 1 Geissblatt Geistchen
2341788 95271 German Geissblatt geistchen
682602 95271 German 1 Geißblattgeistchen
154719 95271 German 2 Geistchen geißblatt
496694 95271 Latin Alucita cartereaui
118022 95271 Latin Alucita hexadactyla

496695 95271 Latin Alucita poecilodactyla
496696 95271 Latin Alucita polydactyla
966796 95271 Latin Helena hexadactyla
966797 95271 Latin Orneodes hexadactyla
154721 95271 Norwegian 2 Lonicerafjormol

269747 95271 Slovene 1 Kovačnikova prstokrilka
269746 95271 Slovene 1 Šesteroprsta pahljačarka
740295 95271 Swedish 1 Kaprifolfjädermott
154722 95271 Swedish 2 Tryfjaedermott


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