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This tremin is allso in:
 TNP - animals and plants
 Slovenia - Ljubljana marsh
 Nearctic = North America - Canada + USA (North of Mexico)
Taxa: Cimex
l2 term description link
137126 5368 Danish 2 Havetaege

2586838 5368 Dutch Appelwants groene
2361855 5368 Dutch 1 Groene appelwants
137110 5368 Dutch 2 Weidewants

259423 5368 English 1 Common green capsid
2402131 5368 English Common green capsid bug
2547385 5368 English 2 Green capsid bug common
2547386 5368 English 2 Green capsid common
137123 5368 Finnish 2 Tarhalude

137120 5368 French 2 Capside des cultures fruitieres

137124 5368 French 2 Punaise verte des pousses

2361856 5368 German 1 Fliege gruene
2361857 5368 German 1 Futter wanze
137114 5368 German 2 Gruene fliege

2547384 5368 German 2 Wanze Futter
137121 5368 German 2 Wanze gruene futter
137115 5368 Italian 2 Cimice dei crisantemi

137116 5368 Italian 2 Lygus pabulinis

846593 5368 Latin Cimex pabulinus

2402130 5368 Latin Lygocoris (lygocoris) pabulinus
4999 5368 Latin Lygocoris pabulinus

137111 5368 Norwegian 2 Hagetege

137112 5368 Slovene 2 Listna stenica

242617 5368 Slovene 3 Zelena stenica

137119 5368 Spanish 1 Chinche del manzano

137113 5368 Swedish 2 Traedgardsstinkfly


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