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Photo:©2025 Kurt Stüber < > Tamus communis...Thesaurus 
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Taxa: Tamus

Dioscorea communis, Gemeine schmerwurz

Dioscorea communis, Gemeine schmerwurz
Dioscorea communis, Gemeine schmerwurz
Map of temp. hardines (min.:-34.30oC)
Slovenia Oplotnica   kvadrant9658/2 22.05.2011 miran    
Slovenia Pliskovica   kvadrant10248/2 10.06.2007 miran    
List of hosts on which lives this species
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Latin Acrolepiopsis tauricella
Latin Acrolepiopsis vesperella
Latin Anaphothrips tamicola
Latin Cnephasia incertana
Latin Schizomyia tami
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