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Photo:©2025 Cvenkel Miran < > Metellina segmentata...Thesaurus 
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Metellina segmentata

Metellina segmentata
Metellina segmentata
Slovenia Ljubno   27.09.2015 miran    
Slovenia Ljubno   27.09.2015 miran    
Slovenia Brdo   08.06.2011 miran    
Slovenia Brdo   25.08.2011 miran    
Slovenia Brdo   17.04.2012 miran    
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Comments :
558 en 18.04.2012   11:02:45   miran       
Wery similar to m. mengei. wiki:link
Metellina mengei is a spider of the Tetragnathidae family that is found in Europe up to Georgia. It was once considered a form of M. segmentata that occurs in spring. M. mengei is much rarer than M. segmentatata. M. mengei is very similar to Metellina segmentata, from which it can only be discerned by comparing genital features. It is about 5 mm long. Adults can be found from May to July.[1>
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