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Weigela florida, Navadna vajgela
Weigela florida, Navadna vajgela
Weigela maximowiczii
Weigela maximowiczii
Weigela japonica
Weigela japonica
Weigela coraeensis
Weigela coraeensis
Weigela hortensis
Weigela hortensis
Weigela middendorffiana
Weigela middendorffiana
Weigela florida, Navadna vajgela
Weigela florida, Navadna vajgela
Weigela florida, Navadna vajgela
Weigela florida, Navadna vajgela
Komentarji Samo za taxonomsko enoto: Weigela:
8942 en 24.01.2021   11:52:52   miran       
Weigela key:

1a    Corolla yellow, slightly bilaterally symmetric, anthers fused in a row.    2

1b    Corolla pink, red, crimson, white, radially symmetric, anthers free.    3

2a    Flowers almost sessile, anthers c. 0.5 cm, yellow, capsule slightly curved.    W. maximowiczii

2b    Flowers with pedicels, anthers 0.6–0.7 cm, red brown, caspsule tapering to a point.    W. middendorffiana

3a    Corolla greenish yellow in bud, pink to pink or lavender with age, petiole absent    W. subsessilsis

3b     Corolla white, dark red, crimson or pale yellow in bud, becoming red, rose-red, white, pale pink, petiole present    4

4a     Calyx tube as long as lobes    W. florida

4b     Calyx tube all but absent    5

5a     Corolla hairy outside.    6

5b     Corolla glabrous outside.    8

6a     Petiole to 0.5 cm, glabrous, corolla colour does not change colour with age.   W. floribunda

6b     Petiole 0.5 to 1.2 cm, hairy, corolla colour white or red, or pale yellow or purple-brown in bud, becoming red when open.    7

7a     Leaves both surfaces hairy, densely hairy on veins on lowers surface, 1- or 2-flowered    W. japonica

7b    Leaves sparely hairy on upper surface, densely hairy on lower surface.   W. japonica var. sinica

8a    Leaves densely hairy on lower surface   W. hortensis

8b    Leaves glabrous and occasionally with hairs at base of veins on lower leaf surface or minutely hair on both surfaces and with dense matted shaggy hairs on the midrib of lower surface.   9

9a  Leaves glabrous below or occasionally with hairs at base of veins on the lower surface   W. coraeensis

9b    Leaves minutely hair on both surfaces, dense matted shaggy hairs on midrib of lower surface.   W. decora

8939 en 24.01.2021   04:09:30   miran       
See also Kolkwitzia
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