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Melampsora populnea

Melampsora populnea, Borova rja zavijalka
Melampsora populnea, Borova rja zavijalka
Melampsora populnea, Borova rja zavijalka
Melampsora populnea, Borova rja zavijalka
Komentarji Samo za taxonomsko enoto: Melampsora populnea:
7323 en 09.05.2019   22:05:35   miran

Melampsora rostrupii.

Synonyms: Melampsora aecidioides, castellana, laricis-tremulae, magnusiana, pinitorqua, pulcherrima, and rostrupii form a complex of species, that collectively is addressed under the name M. populnea. They form strongly resembling uredinia and telia on Populus section Leuce (alba, x canescens, tremula), but aecia on widely divergent plant species. There is no consensus about the taxonomic status of the component species. The interpretation of M. laricis Hartig, 1885 is not fully clear. According to Brandenburger and the Index Fungorum (2017)it is a junior synonym of populnea, but Klenke & Scholler point to M. caprearum.
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