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Brugmansia suaveolens
Brugmansia suaveolens
Brugmansia suaveolens
Brugmansia suaveolens
Brugmansia x candida
Brugmansia x candida
Brugmansia aurea
Brugmansia aurea
Comments Only for taxonomy level: Brugmansia:
7613 en 31.01.2020   02:33:51   miran       
Brugmansia woody steam, Datura Stays green and dies back.
7611 en 31.01.2020   02:13:45   miran       
Linnaeus first classified these plants as part of Datura with his 1753 description of Datura arborea. Then in 1805, C. H. Persoon transferred them into a separate genus, Brugmansia, named for Dutch naturalist Sebald Justinus Brugmans. For another 168 years, various authors placed them back and forth between the genera of Brugmansia and Datura, until in 1973, with his detailed comparison of morphological differences, T.E. Lockwood settled them as separate genera, where they have stayed unchallenged since. ( src)
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