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Bedellia somnulentella

Bedellia somnulentella
Bedellia somnulentella
Bedellia somnulentella
Bedellia somnulentella
Bedellia somnulentella
Bedellia somnulentella
Bedellia somnulentella
Bedellia somnulentella
Komentarji Samo za taxonomsko enoto: Bedellia somnulentella:
5877 en 25.08.2017   19:12:18   miran       
A narrow tortuous corridor of some 30 mm , with a central frass line, reminding of a Stigmella mine, that often cuts off part of the leaf, causing it to die. Then the larva leaves this mine and begins to make a series of full depth fleck mines (not necessarily on the same leaf). ( src)
5820 en 06.08.2017   13:22:36   miran       
Bedellia ehikella = same mine with exception of host plant (Convolvulus cantabrica).
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